Ministry of Paintball
Action thrilled entertainment.
Ministry of Paintball is the largest paintball network in the world. With national coverage in Australia and over 100 sites in the U.K alone, they also have fields in New Zealand , South Africa, Europe and even Japan.
The National Survival Game was one of the first names given to the game and reflected the nature of paintball as it was played at the time. The game was based on “every man for himself” and played as an elimination game or last man standing style of play.
To satisfy growing business demand and help manage the booking of groups to over 40 Paintball ‘fields’ throughout Australia, the FMStudio were engaged to develop their new Customer Relationship Management & Booking System. The use of white boards and numerous excel spreadsheets to manage their operation, had finally become too unwieldy and unmanageable. A FileMaker Pro Solution was the most cost effective software tool on the market and the development platform of their choice.