The University of Technology, Sydney.
UTS: International.
The University of Technology, Sydney is well known as a leading provider of professional career-focused education. UTS courses are relevant and progressive, leading to internationally recognised degrees. It also has strong ties with over 110 universities in North America, the United Kingdom, Europe and Asia, enabling students from exchange partner universities to spend one or two semesters studying at UTS and receive credit towards their degree in their home university.
Across UTS Faculties and Institutes over 100 undergraduate and 150 postgraduate courses are offered to international students for study by coursework.
The FMStudio was awarded the contract to upgrade and enhance the UTS: International Student Management System from FileMaker version 6.0, to FileMaker version 10. Since then, the FMStudio has remained a preferred supplier to the UTS and provides hosting and support & maintenance services to a number of faculties, departments and business units. These include the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, the Educational Diversity Unit and the Marketing and Communications Unit.
This remains a strategic account for the FMStudio, building on an already successful business partnership within higher education, with specific emphasis on major Australian Universities.