What are Managed Services?
Providing Managed Services to small & medium-sized businesses with limited IT budgets, assume responsibility for your Systems & Server Environment intended to maintain continuity of service, improve operations & cut your costs. This may include but is not limited to:
- Monitoring status of FileMaker Server – Database Server, Web Server, Web Publishing Engine, ODBC/JDBC connections verification & validation that all services are up and running.
- Monitoring & tracking of server performance – Including Linux Operating System and FileMaker Server statistics (CPU % Usage, Memory % Usage, Network Throughput [Bytes per Second], Disk Throughput [MB per Second]).
- Monitoring FileMaker Server logs – warnings, errors, info etc.. and responding accordingly.
- Checking & installing FileMaker version software updates/upgrades/security patches from time to time.
- Database optimisation tasks (file compression/compacted copies – removing free space, reducing file size improving file access speeds and streamlining data access).
- Administration of FileMaker Licenses, license Keys & licenses types.
- Maintaining configuration management: administrative and technical.
- Server configuration & connectors for WebDirect, ODBC/JDBC, Server-side Plug-ins & FileMaker Data API’s where applicable.
- Capacity planning & monitoring of Server hard drive space.
- Server Reboots from time to time.
- Server backups and backup scheduling, verification & validation of all backup schedules.
- Checking server & system continuity including maintaining source code and; software version control.
Providing you with Peace of Mind…
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