Antipodeans Abroad
The original Australian School Expedition Company.
Antipodeans Abroad specialises in educational and volunteer travel programs with a purpose. Whether you are 16 or 60 years old, their range of travel programs will take you to the heart of the local people and their culture making your travel experience rewarding and inspiring.
Their educational travel programs are designed around developing young Australians. Leadership, personal challenge, cultural immersion and responsible travel have been the focus of their educational travel programs for over 15 years. Antipodeans Abroad is the original Australian school expedition company.
Their volunteering programs incorporate sustainable, grassroots projects which will enrich your travels and benefit a small community. Depending on the program volunteers participate for between 2-12 weeks on projects with local people in the areas of education, health care, social work, building and renovation.
The FMStudio are proud to have been involved with Antipodeans for many years developing enhancing and supporting their administrative booking systems.